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At Smile Dental, change your smile with Invisalign

As a discreet orthodontic solution, Invisalign is a well-liked choice for adults and teenagers since it gradually straightens teeth using transparent, detachable plastic trays.


Advantages of Invisalign Over Traditional Braces

  1. Appearance

The weird metal parts that stick out of the mouth when wearing braces might make it look uncomfortable. They are noticeable, especially on an adult, and can get clogged with food without the wearer even noticing.

2. Safety

Demineralization and tooth decay may be impacted by traditional metal braces. They straighten the teeth with a lot of force. Clear aligners do not have these issues. In general, cavities and gum disease are lessened by clear braces compared to traditional braces.

3. Comfort

When a patient has metal braces placed on their teeth by an orthodontics specialist, the braces are required to remain in place until they are removed by a specialist. You can take off your Invisalign clear braces. The wearer of the aligners can quickly remove them for brief periods of time as needed when eating or drinking.

4. Length of Therapy

A patient with metal braces may anticipate a five-year course of treatment. It can take Invisalign® anywhere from six months to a year and a half to straighten your teeth.

5. Being Aware of What to Expect

Dental patients who are considering Invisalign® go through a completely computerized treatment planning process. As such, before they start wearing the braces, they are fully aware of what to anticipate and how long they will require them.

Follow The Tips to Care for Your Aligners Properly:

  1. Ensure That Your Aligners are Spotless

    Your clear aligners need to be kept free from bacteria, odors, and stains if you want to keep them looking nice. These things can damage the aligners’ transparency and endanger the integrity of your teeth. Here are some cleaning tips for aligners and trays.

Every morning when you wake up and thoroughly wash your teeth and wear your clear aligners. Cleaning the trays is essential because as you sleep, bacteria may attach itself to the transparent aligners, which could be harmful.

  1. At all times, keep your Clear Aligners trays closed.

    Clear aligners must be used very carefully if you want the best outcomes. It needs to be taken care of because of this. After removing the aligners or trays, be careful not to leave them open. It will be far more likely to grow bacteria if you leave it outside, and you could possibly be responsible for their extinction.

    To keep them safe, it is therefore best to always keep them in a box or container. If you keep them open, rinse them before putting them on to be sure all the germs have been eliminated.

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